So-called Honour Based Abuse (HBA) Risk Screening Questions (H-DASH)

‘HBA is a crime or incident, which has or may have been committed to protect or defend the honour of the family and/or community’ (NPCC, 2008). There is no honour in violence or abuse. Certain cultures have very strict rules and regulations about how women and men should behave and there is a punishment meted out for any trivial transgression, often by multiple perpetrators. This raises unique risks for victims and compounds risk. Due to this, there's a subset of questions in the DASH that identify so-called honour based abuse risk factors. Ensure you are trained on so-called honour based abuse.

It is different from other forms of abuse and violence as it is often committed with some degree of approval and/or collusion from family and/or community members. Examples may include murder, un-explained death (suicide), fear of or actual forced marriage, controlling sexual activity, domestic violence, child abuse, rape, kidnapping, false imprisonment, threats to kill, assault, stalking and harassment and forced abortion.

Forced marriage became a criminal offence in became a criminal offence in 2014. Forced marriage can involve physical, psychological, emotional, financial and sexual abuse including being held unlawfully captive,

Many victims do not come forward due to fear, stigma and blame. Reporting can put them further at risk

HBA Screening Questions (H-DASH)

These 10 questions are an important subset of questions to ask if the victim discloses HBA. They are not the only questions to ask.

Please ensure you document the full extent of the behaviour as the answers will give you an indication of exactly what is happening, risk and potential evidence collection and case building. This information should then be used to inform the risk management plan.

  • Is the victim truanting (under 18 years)?

  • Is there evidence of self-harm?

  • Is the victim being held/kept at home or behaviour/activity being policed?

  • Is the victim frightened of being forced into a marriage?

  • Is the victim frightened of being taken abroad?

  • Is the victim very isolated?

  • Is the victim in a relationship that is not approved of by the family/community?

  • Is the victim attempting to leave or separate?

  • Are there threats the child(ren) will be taken away?

  • Are there threats to hurt/kill the victim/child(ren)?

If you are a victim of so-called HBA

If you are experiencing honour based abuse you can call the Honour Network Helpline on 0800 5999 247. For further www.karmanirvana.org.uk



